The Reward of Saying YES!

I just can’t shut up about decluttering and letting go to make space. So, what follows when we do make space? How do we start something new? How do we discover our path to fulfillment when it hasn’t been, and still isn’t immediately clear?

There is great value in saying Yes! to every reasonable request or opportunity. The practice of saying Yes needs to be exercised to build confidence and lead you to discover greater opportunities. It’s a reward system, the more you accept, try and give, the more you will learn and receive. This is what I call showing up. This practice often requires you to overcome fear and to be uncomfortable in unfamiliar territory, but like any practice the more you do the better you get.

Allow yourself to contemplate this question. What would you do if you knew you would not fail? Try to apply it, and harness the idea of that kind of confidence to allow yourself to benefit from new experiences and the growth they offer.


Make a Change to Grow…The Continual Path to Fulfillment